2022 - Terminus: US-Ukraine Poetry Special Issue

Featuring Poetry by
Boris Khersonsky, Jenny Xie, Ludmila Khersonsky, Diane Seuss,
Lyuba Yakimchuk, and Javier Zamora,
Artwork by
Oleksandr Roytburd,
and Guest Edited by
Oksana Maksymchuk
On the occasion of the 4th Atlanta International Poetry and Translation Festival, featuring poets from Ukraine, we present a special issue of Terminus, featuring poems and translations by renowned poets from USA and Ukraine.
This special issue is guest edited by Oksana Maksymchuk, and dedicated to the the memory of famed Ukrainian artist Oleksandr Roytburd (1961 - 2021), whose striking art graces the pages of this issue and speaks in conversation with the poems of our featured poets and their and translations in the English and the Ukrainian.
This powerful new issue of Terminus is available for free online viewing at https://online.fliphtml5.com/gexnc/xrio/#p=1. Read more about this issue on our Terminus home page.
Past Issues
2021 - Terminus: Special International Translation Issue

Featuring poems and translations by distinguished poets from Belarus and USA:
Dmitry Strotsev, Valzhyna Mort, Maryja Martysevič, Julia Cimafiejeva, Uladzimir Liankievič,
Vievee Francis, Mario Chard, Hanif Abdurraqib, and Travis Denton.
On the occasion of the Atlanta International Poetry and Translation Festival, featuring poets from Belarus, we present a special issue of Terminus, featuring poems and translations by renowned poets from USA and Belarus. Valzhyna Mort guest edited this special issue.
This issue showcases poetry-in-translation at its finest, and showcases the power and urgency of poetry and language as a way to connect peoples from different languages and cultures. In the words of our Guest Editor, Valzhyna Mort:
Intuitively or by solicitation, a translator might come to a poem seeking an aesthetic encounter, but once at work, the choice of words is not only about dictionaries; it’s a moral choice. A choice to hear a voice, to give refuge to a voice, to take care of it, to honor it, to continue the testimony of this voice in another language. Translation is a conversation. And we have a lot to share with each other.
This powerful new issue of Terminus is available for free online viewing at online.fliphtml5.com/gexnc/gqbt/#p=1. Read more about this issue on our Terminus home page.
2020 - Terminus: Special VERSschmuggel/ReVERSible Issue
Featuring poems and translations by Jericho Brown, Ilya Kaminsky, Ulrich Koch, Sandra Meek, Dagmara Kraus, Brenda Shaughnessy, Georg Less, Ronya Othmann, Mario Chard, Anja Kampmann, Linda Gregerson, and Yevgeniy Breyger.
Our latest issue of Terminus, released on 28 October 2020, is a special issue released on the occasion of the Atlanta Poetry Festival and Translation Summit.
Karolina Golimowska, Alexander Gumz, and Thomas Wohlfahrt join our regular editors, Travis Denton and Katie Chaple as guest editors for this issue. Terminus:VERSschmuggel has 189 pages of poems and translations between English and German, displayed in a unique mirror layout that showcases poetry-in-translation at its finest.
This issue, a striking example of how poetry can act as an urgent bridge between poets separated by culture, language, and oceans is available for free online viewing at https://online.fliphtml5.com/gexnc/erwq/#p=1.

2017 - Terminus 14
Featuring poems by Billy Collins, Vijay Seshadri, Anis Mojgani, Victoria Chang, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Tyehimba Jess, and others.
Terminus Magazine will soon announce two new prizes in poetry and prose. Stay tuned. More news to come.
Terminus Magazine, and co-editors Travis Denton and Katie Chaple are excited to welcome Elena Karina Byrne as our West Coast/LA Poetry Curator, and Ilya Kaminsky as International Editor.
2015 - Terminus 12
Featuring work by Andrea Cohen, Ellen Bass, Brigitte Byrd, and others
Click here or on the cover to read
2014 - Terminus 11
2013 - Terminus 10
Featuring work by Terrance Hayes, Stephen Dunn, Patricia Smith, Sandra Meek, and others
Two poems from this issue: 'Pan del Muerto' by Kurt Brown, and 'Overturned' by Cornelius Eady were chosen to appear in the Best American Poetry anthology. (news link)